Have you ever wondered how you could build a business from nothing to one million dollars in 10 months? Kirsty Verity did exactly that!

Whilst based in Bali and Australia, this British dynamite leveraged the huge selling power of Amazon to sell just three fitness products, justifying the brave decision she made to leave her executive 9-5 job in pursuit of the freedom to live life on her terms.

In this episode, she takes us step-by-step through the process of how YOU can do the same.

Show Notes

[02.38] The point of origin

[07.42] From a side hustle to a full time gig

[10.08] How it worked

[17.05] A million dollar revenue mark in 12 months

[20.11] The challenge with over-thinking

[24.15] Fail fast, fail quick

[25.59] The advantages and disadvantages of coming in later in the game

[28.51] Starting from scratch – the steps you can take

[37.02] Where to begin

[38.45] Talking money

[44.53] The difference between business that have succeeded and those that haven’t

[49.34] How badly do you want it?

Learn more about Kirsty

For more information on the free training (and follow up connection call), head over to Kirsty’s website, or send her an email. Alternatively, join the Real Amazon Coaching page on Facebook.

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“This is a journey and not just a way to make money.” – Kirsty Verity

“I wasn’t emotionally attached to what I was selling.” – Kirsty Verity

“The great thing about doing forecasts is that you’ve got something that you’re aiming for, you’ve then got a plan of how you’re going to do it. And if it’s not working out the way you expect, then you at least know you need to pivot.” – Kirsty Verity