I’m Lisa Linfield, and my goal is to Engage, Equip and Empower One Million Women to live their best life by teaching them about the secrets to getting unstuck, making their money work for them, and finding their purpose.

How Much is Enough

Stress-Free Money Management

Tired of time consuming, nit-picking money tracking spreadsheets that make you feel guilty cause they’re IMPOSSIBLE to stick to or budgets that squeeze the life out of LIVING???

THE step-by-step Money Management System that gives you Peace of Mind knowing your money runs automatically every month – without being derailed by unexpected expenses or needing to micro-manage every cent.

You’ll never have to dig into your credit card to fund a holiday, never worry whether that money should have been saved and feel guilty you spent it, and never be confused by what others say you ‘should’ do because you’ll have the confidence to know your plan is perfect for you and your money’s always going exactly where it should.

AND…. Between the Worth IT!!! Guide and the Save Later Method, you’ll be able to make sure you have the money you need for what you really want to do in life.


Check out our latest Podcast and subscribe to get it delivered weekly. In it we discuss the latest in Everyday Money, Protecting your income and investing, as well as the mindset to wealth

Free Video & Download – How Much is Enough?

The first thing you must do if you want to stop working – or be in a position to CHOOSE your life – is know how much you need invested, know how much is enough.
There are four pieces of information you need in order to work out how much you need, and if you’ll make it there based on what you’re investing now.  That’s all.

Download my FREE worksheet that uses those 4 pieces of information to calculate your personal numbers… and there’s an extra piece where you can look at ‘what ifs’ – what if you invest a little more or can’t invest that much.

And, because I know this stuff is hard, I’ve made a step-by-step video to help you through it! 

9 ways to make Extra Money sitting on the Couch

9 ways to make Extra Money sitting on the Couch

Imagine that.  Making money and not even leaving your couch. Don't believe me?  Watch this space - I'm going to show you nine different ways to make a $1000 in a month whilst never leaving your couch. If you're one of the many people out there who are...

What you need to know about the market crash

What you need to know about the market crash

As you may all know, the markets over the last week have been anything but predictable, and I feel an even like this only happens every decade, so it’s worth us sitting down for a chat. When markets crash, fear and panic set in, and this causes more damage than good....

63 The dirty on debt

63 The dirty on debt

They call it “Januworry” for a reason! And now we are faced with purging the festive splurge and back to paying off our debt. Yikes! We are in the middle of our series titled Financial Freedom. So, what have we learned so far? It’s all about MINDSET! How badly do you...

62 Setting a positive money mindset with Lorna Poole

62 Setting a positive money mindset with Lorna Poole

2019 is officially in full swing! Understanding and owning the rules of financial freedom is our key goal for this quarter. Wealth management and financial freedom is 90% behaviour and only 10% action! So we start by asking, how much are you (really) worth? And how do...

61 Make 2019 the year of future-fit goals!

61 Make 2019 the year of future-fit goals!

HaPpy NeW YeAr! As we prepare ourselves to mentally and emotionally dominate 2019, I encourage you to reflect on the past year and set new, sustainable and future-fit goals for the year ahead. Make no mistake, I’m not talking about new year’s resolutions. I’m talking...

60 The little-known secret to wealth

60 The little-known secret to wealth

There is a little-known or misunderstood secret about wealth. And I am going to share it with you! Most of us have all been socialized to believe that you should do well at school in order to get a well-paid job. Then you work hard at this job to climb the corporate...

59 How to redesign your life as an expat with Hannah Pirnie

59 How to redesign your life as an expat with Hannah Pirnie

We live in a global village! Immigrating is more common now than ever before but if you are an expat, as I have been a few times in my life, you will know how difficult it is to find your rhythm and make your mark.  But immigrating can be the most rewarding...

58 The power of quick brave targets – part two

58 The power of quick brave targets – part two

So, how will I teach 1 million women about money? That is one Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal! I learned quickly that I needed to leverage technology to scale my goal and reach my dream! This goal has stretched me beyond what I thought I could ever achieve. Welcome to part...

57 – Imposter to Influencer with Tara Bradford

57 – Imposter to Influencer with Tara Bradford

When I started Working Women’s Wealth, I often thought to myself, “Why would anyone want to listen to me? Who am I to possibly do this? There are so many more experienced people out there!” It has been a long journey from feeling like a social media imposter to become...

Brave to be free – GWII keynote speech

Brave to be free – GWII keynote speech

I had the honour of being invited to be the keynote speaker at an event hosted by the Gauteng Women in Insurance (GWII). The theme was "Brave to Be Free" where I hoped to inspire the audience to unlock their financial freedom. I encouraged them to overcome their...

How Much Do You Need to Stop Work? Download the Free Calculator & Know your numbers

Download the FREE Spreadsheet I use to Track my Monthly Expenses and Budget

The Secret to Making Change Stick