Are you looking to get inspired as you take courage and work to get your business off the ground? Look no further. In a male-dominated industry, two suburban moms are disrupting the status quo.
Fighting against huge odds, Dr. Leslie Apgar and Gina Dubbé entered the medical cannabis industry, facilitating an unmet need in the market. With the dream to change (and heal) the lives of human beings, these two pioneers are great examples of what can happen when you have grit, take courage, and keep chasing that vision!
Show Notes
- The elephant in the room: Cannabis – a gateway drug or a phenomenal healing medicine? [01.23]
- Alternative options to traditional Western medicine [04.34]
- How two suburban moms entered the Cannabis industry [06.19]
- Getting up and running [09.21]
- Federal laws vs. State laws [11.13]
- The worth-it factor [13.31]
- The life-changing healing benefits of plant medicine [19.16]
- Global research [21.48]
- Daily medicine – a customer profile [22.50]
- Educating in a pioneering industry [26.51]
- Facilitating an unmet need in the market, and disrupting a male-dominated industry [30.08]
Learn more about Leslie and Gina
Find out more or contact Leslie and Gina at Greenhouse Wellness or Blissiva. Alternatively, head to their educational warehouse of resources for patients – High Heals.
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“The practice of Western medicine is just not what it needs to be. It’s all about putting band-aids on diseases instead of trying to create wellness and health out of the gate.” – Dr. Leslie Apgar
“We all make our own Cannabis internally every day. Or we’re supposed to.” – Dr. Leslie Apgar
“It’s like we’re rediscovering our ancient medicine that was always there, but was pushed to the fringe by big pharma.” – Dr. Leslie Apgar
“When you’re receptive to whatever comes your way, pay attention.” – Dr. Leslie Apgar
“When you are true to your intention, and when you know what your mission statement is of your business, you live it every day. And everything that you do is toward that end.” – Dr. Leslie Apgar
“As women, we aren’t taught to go out and compete.” – Gina Dubbé
“I feel that every ten years you should do something different, expand your horizon and go into something that’s maybe not as comfortable.” – Gina Dubbé
“Those recreational users are actually treating something – anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain.” – Dr. Leslie Apgar
“With time, and with repetitive energy toward our common goal, we are chipping away at it, and we are moving the needle.” – Dr. Leslie Apgar
“Nothing that has ever truly changed the world was ever initially well received.” – Lisa Linfield
“We’ve really found an unmet need in the market, and are just going to facilitate that need for our patients that aren’t being serviced.” – Gina Dubbé