Despite your best attempts to get financially free, is your money STILL out of your control? Then it may be time to dig a little deeper…
After speaking to a number of clients this week (of many different circumstances and walks of life), I’ve come to believe that if you can take these four steps to change your money, you will RADICALLY change your life.
Not complicated (nor very technical), they’re difficult only because they go to the CORE of who you are and what you believe, and therefore directly affect your money mindset!
Show Notes
- [01.49] The weight of money worries
- [04.57] God’s promised land as it pertains to money and your future
- [06.21] Your values
- [08.21] The sources of knowledge that you draw from
- [09.59] ‘The tree is known by its fruit”
- [10.52] A mindfulness exercise
- [13.26] How we change our thinking to change our actions
- [18.54] Talking to the right people about money
Related posts and episodes
- The humbling discovery that’s shifting my focus
- The powerful insight of your bank statement and calendar
- But… I’ve always been bad at money!
- How to use Parkinson’s law to have more money
- Save for tomorrow, tomorrow
Get the first two chapters of my book FREE!
You can get the first two chapters of my book free HERE
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“There are no quick or easy fixes when it comes to money.” – Lisa Linfield
“It’s not a fault in our KNOWLEDGE that we aren’t changing our behaviour (it’s not what you know). The fault is in our thinking.” – Lisa Linfield
“We are very good at living in an echo chamber, where we tell ourselves what we value, but our ACTIONS tell a different story.” – Lisa Linfield
“Our resources are always constrained. There is never an end to our desire.” – Lisa Linfield
“All problems look very different given time, and when approached with grace.” – Lisa Linfield