How much of your money is tied up in the home you live in? And, do you think of it as an investment or as an expense?

In this episode, I’m going to tell you the three things I need you to know about the home you live in, and why it is in fact NOT an investment.

It’s important to understand how your home features in your financial life, so that you can make the best and most informed decisions for your future.

Show Notes

  • [02.48] The three things I need you to know about the home you live in
  • [04.37] Re-thinking your home as an expense rather than an asset
  • [05.16] Re-thinking what determines whether you can afford the buying of a house
  • [10.34] Re-thinking what you need
  • [13.40] What to do if you’re currently in a house you can’t afford

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“The bigger your house is, the bigger the operational expenses.” – LIsa Linfield

“Change your thinking about your house – start seeing it as an expense.” – Lisa Linfield

“You need to downsize.” – Lisa Linfield

“If you’re not on track with your retirement, and saving and investing at least 20% of what you earn, and can still afford to keep saving and investing at least 20% of what you earn, then you cannot afford the new house. Regardless of what the bank or estate agent tells you.” – Lisa Linfield