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HaPpy NeW YeAr! As we prepare ourselves to mentally and emotionally dominate 2019, I encourage you to reflect on the past year and set new, sustainable and future-fit goals for the year ahead.
Make no mistake, I’m not talking about new year’s resolutions. I’m talking about definable, actionable goals in making your dreams a reality! We are going to focus on the ONE thing that you need to do that sets you on the path of success in achieving your goals. If it’s possible, it can be achieved! In the wise words of John C. Maxwell, “Dreams don’t work unless you do.”
Unpack your 2019 goals with me by joining my goal-setting webinar on the 7th January!
Let’s reflect on the past year and set new goals for the year ahead!
Reflect on all that you have factually achieved despite how difficult the year may have been
You’ll be surprised how much you have achieved and overcome
Evaluate your life’s different primary pillars:
Immediate family
Spiritual and mental health
Physical health
Work and wealth
Observe your life’s secondary pillars:
Other relationships
Rest time
Learning and growing
Giving back
Pause to write an acknowledgement and gratitude letter
In the presence of gratitude, you release some happy hormones!
It sets you up mentally and relationally to receive great universal gifts
Once you reflect and look back, you now look and dream forward
Look far forward: what dream do you want to achieve for your life?
We live in the realm of the emotional - use all your senses, excitement and hope
Focus on WHEN you will achieve your goals and dreams
Have faith in the possibility not the probability! Someone somewhere achieved a similar dream with less resources
Now focus on the milestones - what is the one thing that must be done to make all the pillars successful?
Prioritise all your energy on this one goal and you break it down to quarterly planning and action items.
Have a great year!
If you enjoyed this podcast, we suggest listening to goal-setting with Brittany Hoopes and building resilience with Gloria Mitchell.
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