Do you have a little cash to invest, but find that overwhelming financial jargon stops you from investing? Do you REALLY understand the difference between retirement funds, tax free investments and unit trusts, and why you should invest in one and not the other?
In today’s episode, I demystify all of it!
Show Notes
[01.49] The challenge with investment jargon
[04.51] Types of investments
[08.07] Tax and your investments
[14.35] Two other ‘wrappers’ of investing (alongside the tax ‘wrapper’)
[16.45] Bringing it all together
Related posts and episodes
- Which one’s best for you – Retirement funds, Tax Free investments, Endowments or Direct?
- Investing Tax Free!
- Optimising tax on your investments
- The decision tree you need to choose your investment
- The four foundations of investing
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“If you keep listening to what everyone else thinks is best and not understand it for yourself, you may choose the wrong investment type for you.” – Lisa Linfield
“It’s all about freedom of choice. You basically have two camps: a totally flexible investment on the one hand and other investments that have some great features but have different kinds of restrictions on the other hand.” – Lisa Linfield
“If you’re self-investing and the government gives you back tax to accommodate for your retirement investing, make sure you go immediately and invest the tax they give you into a flexible investment so you’ve got money to pay the tax when it comes to retirement.” – Lisa Linfield
“Capital gains in almost every country is way lower than income tax.” – Lisa Linfield